Rabu, 11 Mei 2016

Finding Purpose In Life

Your Own Worst Enemy

It can be hard to realize that you are sabotaging yourself as you try to achieve the life goals that you aspire to. However, self-sabotage is one of the more common habits that we engage in, and without even realizing that we are undermining our own power.

Understanding why you do this can help you to face the fears that keep you from finding purpose in life. When you second-guess what you want, or allow others to direct your actions, you are giving in to fear and giving your power away. Realizing that you are truly the architect of your own destiny can help you to break through the judgment of others and take responsibility for the direction of your life’s path.

Facing Fear

Many of the obstacles that you encounter are the result of fear, which holds you back from achieving your desires. Facing this is one of the most difficult parts of empowerment, but it is also the key to empowering yourself.

So often, when we face fear, our initial reaction is denial, as this can seem like the easiest course of action. But when we do this, we are giving our power away, because we are not acting, but merely re-acting. It is only by acting, and by facing fear with courage, that you can overcome life’s biggest obstacles.

Other People

One of the biggest obstacles that fear creates is self-doubt. This can manifest in your reactions to the judgment of others, especially when you change your goals because of what someone else thinks. It is possible to acknowledge what another person feels without letting it rule you, and derail your long-term goals. Take in the advice of other persons whom you trust, and thank them for their input, but do not give others the power to decide your fate.

Taking The Step

Starting your journey to purpose really can be the most difficult part of self-discovery and realizing your dreams. When you have spent so long allowing fear to hold you back, it can be scary to break free, but when you liberate yourself from the bonds of fear and self-doubt that so many impose upon ourselves, the possibilities are truly endless. It is an exciting, overwhelming, and even, sometimes, a scary feeling unto itself. But it’s worth it when you are finally able to take control and make the choice of where you want to go in your life.

By: Carla Khabbaz

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